May 25, 2024

Where to Stay in Vienna for First Time Visitors in 2024

Having explored 15-plus European cities since relocating to Munich, Germany, I unequivocally declare Vienna as my favorite, next to Prague. This imperial jewel along the Danube orchestrates a symphony of culture, history, and elegance. Opulent palaces, a classical music legacy, and charming coffeehouse culture contribute to its timeless allure. I […]
May 13, 2024

Where to Stay in Paris for First-time Visitors + Places to Avoid

Paris, like to many of us, first came to me as an idea. Its images conjured in my head were the ones fed by the literatis who lived in this city, from Victor Hugo to Simone de Beauvoir. Hmm, okay, I majored in literature. Before there is Emily in Paris, […]
May 1, 2024

Where to Stay in Strasbourg for the First Time: The Top 15 Best Hotels

After Paris, the second French city that I visited was Strasbourg. Half-timbered houses. Gorgeous riverside restaurants adorned by falling red and pink geraniums. The Romanesque cathedral. I loved my three-day stay in Strasbourg. The great thing about exploring little but equally storied and charming cities in France is that you […]
April 29, 2024

15 Amazing Things to Do in Stari Grad, Hvar’s Rustic Old Town

 Stari Grad Hvar. Or as the Italians call it, Cittavecchia or Cittavecchia di Lesina, is a charming town nestled on the north side of the stunning Hvar Island in Dalmatia, Croatia. This place is seriously old, folks – we’re talking ancient! In fact, it’s one of the oldest towns in […]
April 16, 2024

20 Affordable Hotels in Venice with Canal Views

Venice is the only Italian city I’ve been to so far, aside from the little coastal Trieste. So I cannot compare it to other popular Italian cities. It may not be my favorite European city, Vienna claimed that spot, but I have to give it to Venice for embracing age […]
April 9, 2024

Where to Stay in Ljubljana: The Best Places for First-Time Visitors + Areas to Avoid

I actually did not know what to expect with Ljubljana. I had no actual affinity with Slovenia except for a brief encounter with a backpacking couple in the camping grounds in Ellenborough Falls in NSW, Australia way back in 2017. I remember asking the stupid question, is it part of […]
April 7, 2024

How to Squeeze One Day in Vienna: The Best Things to Do

No, I didn’t not stay in Vienna for one day. Rather I stayed for three nights and spread the sightseeing across those three days since museums and bookstores can really take up time. But there was indeed one full day where I did most of the sightseeing. I have to […]
April 5, 2024

The Best Things to Do in Trieste in 1 Day

The way I travel in Europe is not too different from the way I travel around my home country the Philippines and my second home Vietnam. I check Google Maps. And if there is something in the satellite image that piques my interest, I simply check it out. That’s how […]
April 3, 2024

Milna: A Quaint Little Town on Hvar Island

Move over, Hvar town, because Milna is the new kid on the island block. This hidden gem is tucked away in a secluded cove on the south side of Hvar, just 4 kilometers away from the party-laden Hvar Town. It’s the perfect oasis for families and couples alike, with beaches […]
April 1, 2024

Where to Stay in Prague for First-time Visitors: The Top 10 + Places to Avoid

Prague held a special nook in my heart. It was the first city I traveled solo after a serious talk with my then-boyfriend (now husband) in La Palma (Spain) that I missed traveling solo. When he said that I should do it more then, after all I now live in […]
March 31, 2024

Where to Stay in Hvar Island for First-time Visitors

As an island being, my standard for beaches is quite high, for island life low key. I’m from the Philippines after all. Hvar Island (Croatia) is the first island that I visited in Europe that indeed kinda feel like an island. La Palma (Spain), our future home, is too rugged, […]
March 31, 2024

We Weigh In: The Best Time to Visit Venice in 2024

I surely love Venetian architecture and the endless and labyrinthine waterways, but personally I can barely stand the crowd. We visited in early September, and the crowd was maddening. Even the locals mumbled under their breath, “Fottuti turisti.” 😳 But despite the crowd, there is no doubt that Venice is indeed […]