May 22, 2024

Where to Stay in Ninh Binh for Your First Visit

Living in Hanoi made me long for the vast quietness of the countryside. Ninh Binh was always my weekend fix during my four-year stint in Vietnam’s capital. Ninh Binh’s huge rafts of farmed white ducks wallowing in its many waterways, with the expanse of rice fields in different shades of […]
January 10, 2024

The Best Things to Do in Quy Nhon, Vietnam

If I want to avoid as many Hanoi faces as possible, I either go to Quy Nhon and Tuy Hoa for an affordable escape. This part of Vietnam is not too popular yet among expats, but most likely it is going to replace Da Nang and Hoi An for a […]
October 30, 2023

Ba Vi National Park | Where to Stay in Ba Vi, Hanoi

For us who lived in the urban and not too jungle a city called Hanoi, the quickest respite from its stifling humidity, poisonous air, inescapable scooter congestion, and noise pollution is Ba Vi National Park. Or Ninh Binh. But Ninh Binh is a weekend affair while Ba Vi is our […]