July 26, 2024

Teaching in Hanoi: A Guide to International Schools in Hanoi

As an expat teacher in Hanoi for four years, I can honestly say this city has a pulse unlike any other. From the bustling streets filled with the scent of street food to the vibrant markets teeming with life, Hanoi is a place that inspires. I came here as an […]
June 25, 2024

Bitcoin and Blockchain Revolutionizing the Nomadic and Backpacking Lifestyle

Nomadic lifestyles and the use of digital currency remain at the forefront of lifestyle journalism. Throughout various corners of the globe, individuals are changing how they live, work, and interact with the world around them. Subscribing to a minimalist, experiential philosophy, nomads and backpackers pave the way for the use […]
June 7, 2024

I Now Make a Monthly $400 on Travel Payouts Affiliate Program Alone

When I declared that I wouldn’t neglect my decade-old blog anymore, I wasn’t kidding. Despite having the most time-consuming and most tiring unpaid job known to mankind: motherhood, a role I took on recently. Little did I know that this decision would lead me down the labyrinthine path of affiliate […]
May 21, 2024

How To Study And Travel At The Same Time 

Travel or study… which one will you pick? The thing is, they’re both important – perhaps even essential – in their own way, but you can’t do them both at the same time, and at some point, you’ll need to make a choice. That’s right, isn’t it? Well, perhaps not. […]
May 3, 2024

How to Make Business Expense Reporting Easier When You’re Traveling

Traveling for business can be fun until you find yourself filling out the expense reports. Doing so accurately does take a lot of time away from both business and pleasure. But there’s no overstating the importance of due diligence in this area if you want to maintain your business’s financial […]
April 10, 2024

The Intersection of Digital Nomadism and Bitcoin: A New Frontier

Modern-day adventurers, we find ourselves living in an increasingly globalized and connected world. Gone are the days when intrepid explorers had to cart around hefty fanny packs filled with travelers cheques or multiple currencies. In the age of digital currencies, and specifically Bitcoin, the digital nomad landscape has undergone a […]
January 3, 2024

SEO Strategy for a Small Travel Blog: I Stopped Writing Content for My Own People

As a poet, fictionist, and an essayist, it is ingrained in us that it is one of our duties to write about and write for our own people. My people, in this context, means my fellow Filipinos and their own brand of triumphs and sorrows. Perhaps I’m too individualistic or […]
November 15, 2023

I earned 598.77$ as a Side Hustle in October, and Most Likely It Won’t Happen Again

Last month, I started taking my travel blog seriously as a source of passive income. That means I have to show up every day and improve it every day. Updating old content. Writing new ones. SEOing everything. Doing backlinking. The whole shebang. Here are some strategies I put in place […]
October 29, 2023

150 Days of Documenting My Side Hustle Journey

Making my own money has always been my biggest motivator in almost everything that I do except my imposter-syndrome-heavy-foray in creative writing. But the rest? Blogging. My shift to the B2B content writing space. And even my recent dip into the Tiktok world. But my biggest problem has always been […]
May 2, 2023

Money Guide for Travelers from Developing Countries: Why You Must Have a Separate Travel Fund Bank Account

Money Guide for Travelers from Developing Countries is not usually discussed. Personally, the courage to travel is one thing; having the dough to travel is another. In most cases, I build my courage and travel fund together. The Importance of Why You Should Keep a Separate Travel Fund Account should […]
May 2, 2023

A Traveler’s Honest Talk on Money

EDIT: This was written in 2016. A lot has changed in my life. I moved to Vietnam, went back to teaching, and lived the expat life. In November 2021, my two cats and I moved to Munich, Germany. You can follow me on Instagram: @jonajournals for more current life updates. I am […]
May 2, 2023

Yes! Not Everyone Can Quit Their Jobs to Travel Abroad

EDIT: This was written in 2016. A lot has changed in my life. I moved to Vietnam, went back to teaching, and lived the expat life. In November 2021, my two cats and I moved to Munich, Germany. You can follow me on Instagram: @jonajournals for more current life updates. Some […]