August 31, 2023

Dear April, Dreams Know No Age. So Do It.

Hello Jona, I’ve been following you for a while now. I love reading your posts because I see in you the ME I could have been had I the courage and the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone many many years ago.  I am older by close to […]
May 14, 2023

Weekend Thoughts: On Schadenfreude, Glückschmerz, and Compersion

With my German exam looming in the air and some unexpected news, I shouldn’t have time to pin yet another useless weekend thoughts on something so trivial triggered by a clickbait post seen on Facebook. It says study confirms that nobody gives a shit about your vacation pictures with a […]
October 22, 2017

As Travelers, What Do We Leave Behind?

Dear, It is Sunday. I’m seated at the open patio outside our room. Tobi is inside, watching something German. Gags, he said. Across the narrow alleyway that is wide enough for a car to pass through, the caged birds sing these lovely melodies. Caged and singing. Odd, like Vietnam’s. The […]